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McCollum Vote on H.J. Res. 27

Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to H.J. Res. 27, which would overturn a recent Biden Administration regulation clarifying protection of America's waters under the Clean Water Act.

Communities in Minnesota and across our nation need reliable access to clean water. Without clean water our communities don't have access to safe drinking water, farmers can't grow the food we eat, and our nurses and doctors can't clean their hands before a procedure. Clean water touches every facet of our daily lives, and our communities cannot thrive without it.

If passed, H.J. Res. 27 would block the latest waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engineers. The rule that the Biden Administration is proposing would broaden definitions of waterways subject to protection under the Clean Water Act to include connected waterways such as wetlands. The new rule also seeks to provide clarity and predictability for famers and developers while protecting our nation's water quality and supply. H.J. Res. 27 would block this clarified rule.

For over fifty years, Republicans and Democrats have worked together to protect and restore America's waters using the authorities granted in the Clean Water Act. Members of Congress today have a responsibility to protect this important legacy. Preserving the health of America's wetlands and streams is essential to Minnesota, a state with more than 10,000 lakes and over 69,000 miles of river. Clean water touches every aspect of our daily lives, and Americans cannot survive without it.

Mr. Speaker, let me be clear, H.J. Res. 27 is an attack on clean water in communities all around the country.

It should be rejected, and I yield back.

Issues:Environment & Energy